Helsinki University of Technology

Helsinki University of Technology
Internal Combustion Engine Laboratory

Mastering the Diesel Process








(in Finnish)



Project: Mastering the Diesel Process

Contact: Professor Martti Larmi
Tel. +358-9-451 3459

'Mastering the Diesel Process' is a joint research effort of four Finnish research institutes to raise up the level of engine simulation in Finland. The project is run by Helsinki University of Technology. It is five year research project started in 1999.

Non-evaporating fuel spray

Project partners are Technical Research Centre of Finland, Åbo Akademi University and Tampere University of Technology.

International co-operation is carried out with Michigan Technological University.

The project is supported by three industrial companies: Wärtsilä, Sisu Diesel and Fortum Oil & Gas. The main supporter is the National Technology Agency, TEKES, through the ProMOTOR research program.

The main task in the project study is to test and develop sub-models for diesel process simulation. Special emphasis is on fuel spray, combustion chemistry, turbulence and emissions. Boundary conditions and initial conditions are evaluated too. Measurement data are generated to verify simulations.

The objectives of the project are:

  • to understand the physical phenomena of the diesel process by theory and modeling,
  • to properly utilize computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in future engine development,
  • to enlarge and widen the knowledge about the diesel process and
  • to build up good know-how about the diesel process and it’s modeling.

Simulated combustion

Practical goal of this project is to have a CFD-tool at the end of the project, which would be useful in industry-related research and development projects. Moreover, new diesel process simulation 'specialists' will be educated during the project.

Couple of simulation examples: