Extreme Value Research Engine EVE

The engine, video

In the frame of "Extreme Values of the Piston Engine" -project a single cylinder, large bore research diesel engine was built in Internal Combustion Engine Laboratory of Helsinki University of Technology. The engine has been designed completely using 3D-design methods, including strength and heat flow analyses. The spray and combustion studies have been carried out by CFD tools.

The basic idea in the design was to build the foundation and crank mechanism of the engine strong enough to stand very high mechanical loads compared to engine dimensions. For the flexibility, the valve actuating system of the engine has been designed to operate in electro-hydraulic principle instead of cam shaft.

Cylinder head and electro-hydraulic gas exchange valve actuator block.

The electro-hydraulic gas exchange valve actuating system was developed at Institute of Hydraulics and Automation of Tampere University of Technology.

Principle of optical measurements.

The design of the base engine with its auxiliary and control systems took place in the Helsinki University of Technology. In the building of components and systems a large number of domestic workshops and foreign special companies have been employed.

User interface of auxiliary controls.

Research areas

The EVE engine has a great potential in various fields of engine research due the great flexibility e.g. variable gas exchange valve timing. By minor modifications the engine is suitable to versatile engine research in the field of

Financing and industrial partners

The engine project has got funding from following foundations and companies

The following industrial partners have supported the engine project in the form of consulting, material deliveries or otherwise